Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Quick update

It has been such a busy couple of weeks, and I know that as summer has arrived it will only be getting busier. Anyhow, that is no excuse for me not keeping up with this new blog that I really want to stay committed to. However, like most things it starts out with a bang, but soon becomes something that I do occasionally. I am trying to discipline myself though to do this regularly.
Like I mentioned the past few weeks has been a whirlwind. Leaving for work as the sun in rising and coming home many nights after it has set. No I am not at work the whole time, as I do errands or what not. Anyhow, long story sort God is moving in my life and I am so excited. I have seen him open up doors in the past week that I didn't know existed. As a mentor of mine told me once, do what the Lord tells you to do even if it seems crazy or out of character. Well, I have been doing that! Really trying to step out of my comfort zone, and follow the calling of God. Can I just say He answered and has been answering in huge ways. I am so completely humbled and blessed. I know that I haven't put a lot of details into this, but I had about 5 minutes to write. I wanted to make sure that I thanked God for what is going on here in my life.