Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A day both like and unlike all others.

Okay this is for everyone who is keeping me honest in my quest to keep blogging. You all know who you are, sending me the little messages to keep blogging. Anyhow, here is some more insight into the crazy world of mine. Today has been one of those days, that you wonder why you woke up. It started with me awaking at 5:30 to discover that I have pink eye in both of my eyes. So not only did I have to be at work early today, but yes I have the dreaded pink eye. This is one of the many perks of being a nanny. The aliments of the children often get passed along to you. So after a week of watching the two girls, both of which had pink eye, and babysitting for a friend whose two year old also had pink eye, Miss JoDee got to share in the fun. Oh what fun it is. I did discover that I take eye drops about as well as the 3 year old I nanny for. In fact, today they both sat in the bathroom and watched Miss JoDee put on her brave face and take her drops. I somehow feel as if I am back in kindergarten and have to stay quarantined to the house. Needless to say, at nap time today everyone took a nap.
So besides not feeling well, it is the first of the month which means bill time. YUCK! It makes me even more appreciate and long for my home in Glory where rent won't be due, and the price has been paid in full. Anyhow, that is my normal first of the month gripes, nothing that is unusual to anyone else in this lovely world. I did notice on the way home that gas prices have once again rose, and yes my tank is approaching empty. So anyhow as I was on my way home playing my game of woe me my attention was soon turned to bigger issues.
I learned while listening to the radio that there is a FBI manhunt on the way in the St. Louis area for a wanted murderer. Crazy Crazy, my mind began to race as I prayed for the victims involved, and prayed for safety for myself and family. I thought wow I'm not in small town Indiana anymore. This is one aspect of big city living that I am not totally happy about. St. Louis is the 2nd most dangerous city to live in, and that is not the most comforting thoughts. I can think back to the past 6 months and can think of two different murders that have occurred close to home. In our "good part of the city" area. One in the same community as my in-laws and another just 5.4 miles away at a town meeting. All of this just awakens me to the thoughts of what I am doing to reach out to my neighbors. How am I witnessing to them? It makes me just take a little closer look inward, and realize that people live in fear like this constantly. Never knowing if themselves or their loved ones will make it home due to random violence, gang wars, war in general. God tells us to go and make disciples of all nations. I often forget that the "all nations" includes my apartment complex, my neighborhood, and my city.
Then in one last effort on God's part to get the focus off of me (which it often is). I come home to hear that dear friends of ours delivered their baby boy today almost 9 weeks early. We don't know much except that both mom and baby are okay, but lots of prayers are needed. Even now as I have the news on the background I hear a segment about premature babies. I just pray that God watches over them as this came much earlier than expected. I ask anyone who would read this to say a quick prayer for the family, and their son.
So anyhow, that is part of this wonderful day. A day that has been full of surprises all day long. A day that I am praying ends quickly as my eyes and head hurt. I just pray for tomorrow and the surprises that it will hold. I know this day is not uncommon to have in this world. For days like this make us long for Heaven. They make me realize even more that I am an alien to this world, and my true resting place belongs with my Lord.