Thursday, August 14, 2008


Alright all, I know it has been over a month since I last blogged, and I had written that I wanted to change that right? If there is one thing I have learned in life, is that when we are about God's business, Satan shows up. He seems to get you doubting about what you know you should be doing, and I promise he makes life just busier. But enough with me blaming others, I have been the one who has been "too busy" and "too stressed" to blog. Anyhow a little catch up from the last month. Well, David and I housesat for his parents for about three weeks in July. It was fine, we were really busy so it wasn't that bad. One thing is forsure though, we will probably never have indoor dogs. I won't say definetly, but if I have any say in it then no. We also had VBS at our church which was fun, but as always exhausting. Plus, what did I go ahead and sign-up for, yet to co-direct it next year. You think I would have learned my lesson before. Oh well, I am excited, and I absolutely love VBS!
I have been to IN three times since my last blog. Once for work, once for wedding, and once for a conference. In between two of those trips we brought my 5 year old neice back to St. Louis for a week to hang out with us. It was fun, but we are not in anyway ready for a 5 year old. Being a nanny and having a 3 and 5 year old all day, and then adding an extra 5 year it was crazy. However, it was so much fun. Plus, Uncle David loves his Princess Allie. So like I said there were three trips to IN. The last of which was amazing. I had the chance to go with my sister-n-law and her family to the Women of Faith Conference. It was amazing, and even more clarifies my undying passion for women, and telling my story. I learned so much, and it was so uplifting to spend time with the wonderful women God has placed in my life. The one thing that I did realize was that I have to become really honest and open about those parts of my life which I think are too "personal". Now don't get me wrong, not everything should be out for public viewing.
What else, oh yeah, I have been to the doctor a total of 3 times the past two weeks, and have yet another appointment tomorrow, for what they thought was a possible bloodclot in my leg. Well, PRAISE GOD, it wasn't. Not forsure why the unusual and painful swelling has occured around my leg, but sure they will find out soon. I have also been speaking with my doctor about the importance of getting this weight off quickly. More about that subject in a future blog however.
So yes that is what has been going on the past 5 weeks or so. Not to mention the Holiday, a friend in crisis, and having a family member who has disappered. Geez, can I complain anymore! All I can say is 'God, please come back soon!' These are the things that make us women so unique. You ask my husband what the past 5 weeks has been, and he would probably comment 'nothing much, just work and stuff'. (FYI, this in no way will become a man bashing blogsite!) See somehow men just can't understand that we women are solving the worlds problems everyday, and David wonders why I have a hard time falling asleep at night.
Plus, for the past week I the wonderful Olympics have been on, and well that puts me out of commission from about 7-12 every night, depending on the competitions. With that being said, I must again go. Micheal Phelps will be swimming for another Gold tonight, as well as the Women's All-Around Competition. I decided to for go the Volleyball to write this little blog. Go Americans!!!