Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy 2012

Wow. Time sure does fly doesn't it. Anyhow here we are in 2012, in fact here we are 6 weeks into 2012. I have so much faith that 2012 is going to be the best year yet. Although I can tell you it has started out with lots of growing and testing of our faith. I did step down and now a part time teller with the bank. Although I am working almost every day of the week picking up shifts as needed. We are adjusting to my salary being cut so drastically but we are spending much more time at home. I have learned to cook and meal plan which is not only cheaper but healthier than eating out. I am having consistent quiet time before the Lord to read the Bible and pray. I have a goal to read the bible this year and so far I am on plan. I am learning so much as I have read through Genesis and Exodus. To see how Jacob, Moses, Abraham really did turn to God to lead their every move. I am seeing them struggle and continue to really worship the Lord. The plan that I am doing to help me stay accountable and reach my goal also has me reading from the New Testament and a Psalm and Proverb every day.
Yes there are still lots of decisions that David and I are facing and praying about. We long to go where God is leading us and know the only to know where that is, is to constantly be in the Bible learning about the nature of the Lord. I really am thankful for where the Lord has brought me over the last year. 2011 was rough but I am so thankful for everything that came to light because my relationship with God, David and my family has never been so good. I learned a lot about who I am and what is truly important to me. I learned through failures and life's curve balls that God is really my rock. I am excited to see where this next year will go and to share with all what I am learning.
One of the big decisions that David and I are facing right now is the decision to become foster parents. I have wrote before about our heart for children and adoption. Through a lot of prayer and discussions we are thinking more and more about becoming foster parents. We love children and believe God instructs us to take care of the orphans. Our lives center so much around kids especially our nieces and nephews. We are always planning the next weekends activities of going to a movie, Disney on ice, the mall, princess movies, ball games, school plays, whatever it is they need or want. We just want to share that with children who don't have that. We are always taking kids to church with us and would love to introduce the Love of Jesus with kids that so desperately need people who love them. Like I said this is all in the beginning stages but we are trusting God to lead us step by step. In the meantime I will continue to worship the Lord and learn about His very nature.