Thursday, June 28, 2018

Finding comfort in a scary ride

     "Be Strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV

     I remember visiting Walt Disney World as a child about 5 years old with my family and being scared to ride Haunted Mansion.  My dad was a big man 6'5 and around 350 at the time and as most dads he said "Yod, it will be okay I'm here and we will go thru it together".  It was a hot early August summer day, so waiting in line to ride something that was not my IDEA did not seem pleasant.  Though I can't remember I can probably guarantee there was some whining and pleading for my dad to sit this one out with me.  He, of course, knew one fact that I did not-the ride is a few brief minutes of glorious air conditioning that will be a welcomed relief to the 90% humidity air we were standing in.   Anyhow, for those who haven't been on the ride let me set the stage to why this memory is forever etched in my mind.  As the ride ushers lead you onto the attraction it begins with stuffing what seems like 25 plus people into a small circular room with no escape.  To a scared 5 year old this is nothing less than terrifying, then the unspeakable happens the lights go out.  Well as any little girl would do I grab the strong hand of what I believe is my dad and hold on ever so tightly for the 5 seconds of darkness that I am sure will never end to escape..  As the lights come on I gaze up to look in the eyes of my comforting father to discover IT IS NOT MY DAD!  The panic that is already consuming me comes out in a scream and many many tears.  In the noise and confusion of the mob leaving the holding area to await the actual ride, I hear in a calm deep voice "Yod, it's okay I am here, I got you".  Followed by my daddy's hand coming along to hold me close and comfort me as we walked together to finish the scary journey. Now I don't remember the rest of the ride, or much of the rest of the day.  However, now some 35 years later I can hear and remember that moment as it forever etched in my mind.
     Some may have noticed that I have been quiet on here the last two months, well God has had us on a scary journey, in a mob filled no escape in sight room and darkness came.  I found myself being like that scared 5 year old searching for a calming hand, and struck overwhelmed in fear, but as I am hearing the voice of my Heavenly Daddy calling me quietly to Him as he says, "My beloved JoDee, I'm here and not going anywhere." If you haven't read the previous posts especially "Drumroll please" then God has called me into full time ministry (My grown-up Disney World) this past year.  Over the past few months especially we seem to be in line for a ride (health issues) that honestly I didn't want to go on.  The whole time God has shown me we aren't alone on this journey. Lots of people are on the same ride, and I am sure some of them just like me are scared and not sure what they will face .  Others like my dad have been on this ride, or one similar, and they know that although it is dark, and scary it doesn't overcome us and will end.  In fact, there are even some positives unique to this attraction.  God has placed people all around us to encourage us, comfort us and walk beside us, just like my brothers and parents some 35 years ago.

    So if like me you find yourself in the all consuming darkness and you are trying to reach out to whatever is in reach. Please know you are not out of God's reach. Even if the light shines to show us that we be holding the hand of someone/something that is an impostor. Sometimes in the darkness it is hard to distinguish what is the hand of God, or the hand of man.  The light always comes to display the truth.  I've been reaching the past month to find a comfort-mostly holding onto myself and my own strength.  The last week it is like the light has been switched on and the truth(God's word) has reviled that I have to anchor into.  However just like my own daddy, He was always there and more importantly I was never out of his sight.  He always knew exactly where I was and knew what was coming.   It takes listening-even in the midst of the mob that surrounds us- for the voice of our Father.

     Now, just like that room it was only the beginning of the ride, in fact, the actual ride hadn't really started.  I know that this journey is only beginning and what will come only God knows.  I am sure there will be moments that are scary and I will have to hide in the embrace of of my Dad.  However, I am comforted because I know He is holding my hand and walking with us.  Leading into the "seat of the ride" where he is sitting right between my husband and I.  If  you have rode a roller coaster with a child you know you hold on just as tight to them as they do to you.  I can picture God seated right in the middle holding onto the both of us.  There is good that will come of this ride, and it this is  only one of many rides that we will go on.  This ride(trial) doesn't define us, it is merely part of the trip.  However, it is one that I'm sure will stand out, perhaps so that when someone else finds themselves in line apprehensive and crying because the unknown is too scary-I can join them for comfort and encouragement.