Friday, May 23, 2008

Potty Training...a lesson for her or me

Well, here at work the last few weeks I have been potty training. Oh the fun! It is times like this that I am not quite sure why God has chosen for me to work with children. Anyhow, two weeks ago we set off on this adventure. The first few days were crazy, as any mother would tell you. The paranoia of every time she sat still or quiet for more than 30 seconds we would be off running to the potty, just in case something was coming out. Only playing on the hardwood floors so not to ruin all the furniture and carpet in this house. Then my favorite, and hers, not leaving the house so that we have complete concentration and availability to our beloved toilet. Anyhow I am pleased to announce that just two weeks later she is doing an amazing job. I can't even remember the last time she has had an accident. It had to be early in the week. She is keeping her pull-up dry during naps, and even wore big girl panties to gymnastics yesterday.
There were times over the past two weeks, that I had to call on God for the extra help and patience for us both to get through this process. I kept being reminded of how Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven is made available to the little children. There were times I had to second guess Jesus' thought process. Then again where it is stated "At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children." I really had to ask what does this almost three year old know that I don't? I mean I have come to dislike the words "Miss JoDee" "Miss JoDee". Those words are soon followed by "Come wipe me." During those times I really must doubt how I am to become like a child.
However it didn't take long to start seeing some similarities between the two of us. We both can throw fits and tantrums. I am sure that God has noticed me yelling, crying, and beating the ground senseless when I am not in control of a situation. I am sure there are times that I have asked God to get me out of situations that I are beyond my control. I am sure that I have to often times made a mess out of life(maybe my own version of calling God from the bathroom). I, also, notice that those times when she will climb up into my lap with a book and want me to read to her. There are those treasured times when she will ask me if she can help make lunch, or help me fold the clothes. There was even a moment this past week when her and I played a very fun game of catch outside. Those were the times when I wished a was a little more like her. A little more trusting, a little more eager to sit upon the lap of God, and just listen. I wish that I was asking God for help, and if I could help Him with His work.
So, the past two weeks has been an experience and lesson for the both of us. We both hopefully have come out of it a little more grown up. A little more ready to face this world of unknowns. I just know that I am ready for to be a little more moldable, a little more childlike. I know how proud I am that she is now wearing her big girl panties, and only hope that God feels the same pride when He looks down at me.

1 comment:

AM~Erica said...

I know what you are going thru, but with less success. And I wonder sometimes if maybe I am not doing something right in my life that may be affecting this "karma". I have also found that God has a sense of humor.

So, when are you going to come help me with my son on this crazy journey? Only kidding...kind of... ;0P