Sunday, March 18, 2018

Drumroll please!!

Raise the Ruth is a Christ centered ministry aimed to come along side adolescent girls and their mothers in a kind and  loving approach, as they learn where their true hope and worth lies, and they navigate through the challenges of daily life.

     Above is the mission statement for the ministry that has been developing inside of me for the past 15 years and that I am happy/anxious, and above all honored, to finally unveil to the world.  I have always loved the saying "It takes a village to raise a child" and have dedicated most of my adult life to being part of the "village" for children around me.  I remember at age 23 during a prayer time one morning feeling very called to work with women and children.  It came during a time in my life when I was working through a lot of childhood trauma that I had experienced. I was also doing a bible study over the book Purpose Driven Life and praying about my "purpose".  That morning while journaling / praying over James 1:2-4

   "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. "

   I knew that I was not alone in what I had experienced and that I could come along other women/girls and support, love and encourage them as they persevere in their faith and struggles of life. Fast forward 3 years later at age 26, I would find myself in a women's bible study over the book of Ruth.  It was the first time I had really studied Ruth and I fell in love with the book. Being a Christian woman, there are not a lot of women in the bible to study and relate to, compared to men.  I remember around the same time the movie One Night with the King came out about the Book of Esther, and I didn't really relate to the story.   Disclaimer-I am in no way discrediting or not saying that I haven't taken any lessons from Esther.  However, I just remember reading Ruth and being like-I get this woman and for the first time found a Biblical person who I felt understood me- which meant God understood me, and more importantly, could and would use me.  If I would listen to Him, and trust the process that my future could be one of great blessing, that He would use to fulfill His plan for my life.

  Over the next 10/12 years I would dabble in ministry opportunities with women and children as I lived "my life".  I got married in 2007 and for the next 9 years would dedicate almost all my energy and effort into being a mother.  See post Being Momma JoDee for the lessons that would come with that. I also would grow in my wisdom of scripture and develop more of my story.  See our story is what connects us to people and what God uses in the lives of others. Just like the story of Ruth in my life.

    Through my divorce in 2016, I learned that life is messy at times, and for some of us, it may seem like life is full of messes.  However, it can also be full of blessings.   The past year has been one of the toughest and the best ,at the same time.  I would find myself remarried to someone who is truly my life partner.  He encourages my dreams,and more importantly, helps make them a reality.  I have, since the day we met, told him I knew I was called to work with with women and children.  I also knew I was to use my personal story of abuse, lies and heartache to tell people of God's love. I knew I may have been born into a family of secrets but I was bought with a price.  God had redeemed me from any past sins done to me or by me.  I am full of grace and it is my responsibility to live out the remainder of my days glorifying Him and sharing my story.  One doesn't have to be perfect- or wait until life is perfect- to make a difference in the world for God.  Ruth was in the midst of grief herself when she came along side Naomi. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:10

   "That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults,in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

     So, that is the background of Raise the Ruth- It is aimed at raising up the next generation of Ruths.  If I were to have an expertise or skill in this life-it is working with children.  I have spent 20 years perfecting it and learning how to do it more effectively.  In the blessing/heartache of not having any children, I have a special way in which I appreciate and see every child.  I also know in my experience with working along side mothers-children are mimicking what they see. It is important for me that the mothers learn the same concepts the girls are learning.   So this ministry is unique in the fact that it is coming from both ends of the spectrum, and unites mothers and daughters.  As adults we often complicate God and the Bible.  It is my hope that we will present a simplistic approach of biblical truths to girls, and the women in their lives will be encouraged and changed.   I love that Ruth and Naomi learned from each other and were a daughter in law/mother in law
relationship. Raise the Ruth is in the beginning stages of development but God has already opened doors.  It is by faith we accomplish anything here on earth, and we are dreaming big.  This is not about me at all-but it is really about God's impact on my life.  If even one person is impacted and God is glorified than it will have been worth it all. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are definitely making a great blog. Raising the Ruth should make a great impact on the young girls AND the women in their lives.