Saturday, April 14, 2018

Rescue-a two person action

Psalms 34:22 (NIV) "The Lord will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned."

     In working with kids I've noticed that they love the idea of superheros or rescuers.  Little girls love the idea of prince charming who wakes up sleeping beauty, or the little boy who pretends Superman is flying in to save the day.  The idea behind both thoughts remain the same- someone is hurt/in trouble and some perfect/superhuman creature comes in to rescue them from the hand of the evil one.  Is this not also what we long for as adults?  Someone/something that will save us from reality?  The pain of a disease, a broken relationship, financial ruin, we all have a created longing inside of us to be rescued.  From my observations the difference is children will admit they need rescued, but adults have a harder time showing weakness. We live in a society where we are the master of our destiny.  Where independence and strength is worshiped.  However, just like Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 12:10 "For when I am weak, then I am strong." is where perfect strength lies.

   So, to be completely honest, I have been working on this blog for two weeks.  Honestly!!  It's a lesson that hits home for me.  I felt like I couldn't write on it because I find myself needing rescued.  I am struggling with needing to be rescued and getting weary in the process. The world has been screaming at me to take care of life's mess myself-enough is enough. However, the word of God says that I must love the Lord with all my mind, my heart and soul. It means relinquishing control-which face it I never really had anyway.   The difficulty lies in the place we find ourselves in during the rescue.  Let us revisit those childhood moments of rescuing from above.  Sleeping beauty found herself completely overtaken by the hand of the evil one. Superman never has to rescue the strong, or able bodied.  No it is always the weak or those who are being overcome by someone/something bigger then them that need rescued, and that is what connects all of us to those stories.

     I have been trying to read a Psalm everyday and a common theme among the Psalms is struggle verses hope.  Each one is filled with this idea that life is closing in but they will remain in the Lord and have hope.  The verse referenced above states that as we take refuge in Him; he will rescue us.  Its a relationship and a promise of Love.  Its a vow just like given during a marriage ceremony that no matter what life throws at you, God who is our bridegroom, vows to rescue us and be with us.  The comfort that I am not alone as I read Psalms is the very comfort I hope this particular blog brings someone. David didn't hide his emotion or his fear but he never ended a Psalm without first pointing upward to God who is our Hope and our Salvation.   See I am not meant to save the world or myself, I am merely meant to point people to the one that does save.


Unknown said...

This is good. We must remember that when we are down, look up. If we need a helping hand, reach out. As good shepherd's, we are the hands that need to be there. So,we all have had days when we are the ones needing recused. Other days we are the hands that there to hold on to.

jojo1979 said...

I see where I get my writing:). Love you and all your support momma:)

Stacey said...

I love the reminder to keep looking up! These are powerful words! Praise the One who goes with us through every valley.