Monday, December 12, 2011


After two plus months of prayer and talking things over with our friends and family David and I made the decision for me to step down from my position at work and go part-time. This is actually my last week working as an ABM here at my current location. We are very excited and know that this decision will be blessed. I have wanted to do ministry full time for many years and I will be devoting more time to that. I ask for continued prayer as this decision comes with great financial sacrifice on our part. However, it was time for me to really step out and answer the call that has been placed on my life. I know that God is good and He is faithful to those that follow Him. He is our provider and our comfort so I am sure that as we rely on Him through this blessings will come.

Specifically prayers I ask for:

1. Continued Peace. As it has become more of a reality, reality has set in. I am praying specifically that I would not worry as to how things will work out. I know that God's hand has been all over this decision. A couple of weeks ago at church there was a sermon on sacrifice and how it is meant to be something that is hard and can be felt but God has always provided and blessed sacrifice.

2. David and I would continue to draw near to each other and God through this time. There is some added stress as things are not known. I have faith that God will continue to bring us together and I am confident that this change will be one that brings us together.

3. I pray for David as he will be taking more of the financial responsibility for our family. I know that he will do amazing and his support for me during this process has been amazing. There is an opportunity in the horizon that we are praying will work out. I know that God has our steps directed for us as we are following him.

4. Financially things to work out. I know that this decision is cutting my salary in 1/3 and I pray that God works out the difference. I know there are some things that David and I have been doing in the past year to help us prepare for this as we have been becoming financially free. I just pray that all the little details continue to work and I have faith that they will.

5. Continued guidance for us as we are trusting in the Lord with our future. We really are at agreement that the Lord's plans far out way any of ours. We are continuing to trust and believe in Him to open doors and lead us.

I leave you with verse that right now has been the ever lasting prayer and comfort for us... Psalm 37:23.

"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives."

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