Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Life has been crazy the last couple of weeks. We are still preparing for some changes with my career and such. I am getting excited to see what God has in store for David and I. However, as of now it is still going very hectic and busy. That paired with this seasonal cold has left me down and at the past couple of weeks. However, as Thanksgiving was fastly approaching and company coming into town I began to be less thankful and more stressed. However, yesterday came and even though it didn't go as planned it was great. I got to thinking about how that is very much how life goes a lot of times. I sit and plan something often stressing about the details for things to change usually resulting in a better outcome. I picture God sitting there with a smile as He again chooses to bless me despite my failed attempt to control. I am thankful for many things this Thanksgiving season. I am thankful that David and I were surrounded yesterday with people we love and love us in return. I am thankful for a husband who is so supportive of me through all my dreams no matter how big or little they may be. I am thankful for a niece and mother-n-law who are amazing cooks and worked so hard to prepare a feast for a king. I am thankful for a being able to come around my brother's table all 12 of us and have a nice civilized dinner where 7 of the guests where children. I am thankful for the invitation David and I had to attend a couple dinners we weren't able to get to. My cup truly runneth over and I know I am only beginning to tap into the blessings God has for David and I. I above all am thankful for the grace that God gives me everyday that is so abounding and yet I only understand a portion of it. I am thankful to live in a country where I am free to express my beliefs openly without fear of retaliation. I am thankful for a day set aside to force me to relax enjoy and be thankful as I prepare my heart this Holiday season.

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