Thursday, March 14, 2013

2012 in retrospect view

Well here we are now in 2013 and a quarter of the way through and I was very neglegent in blogging last year.  I also have such intentions and then life happens.  I thought 2012 would be our year and I can honestly say it was full of many suprises and many changes for sure.  Through a maritial crisis in March of last year we made the decision to relocate to New Castle Indiana where I would be able to go into full-time ministry.  Wow, what I always have felt and longed to do had happened but it came about after a lot of pain.  I grew so much spiritually in 2012 and am learning that I have so far to go.  I am so thankful for a loving, compassionate God who has been by my side and in fact holding me tightly on His lap.  Upon moving to New Castle in August we became caretakers of an Old School that our church had bought and began to work with homeless men and women here in town.  It has been so amazing to see God Bless this ministry and move in the lives of people.  I have learned more about my "gifting" and what brings me joy in doing.  I have learned what does not bring me joy too.  Most of all I am learniing to bring joy to my Heavenly Father in all I do. 

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