Thursday, August 24, 2017

Hello Again

     So I am finding myself here with laptop in my lap, a million different thoughts, a whole lot of doubt but an even more abundant sense urgency to take a step....before my talent is given to someone who won't bury it out of fear.  I can't even begin to share everything that has happened the last 4 years.  It has been filled with full time ministry opportunities, move to the Southwest and back, Momma JoDee to 13 amazing kiddos, a failed adoption, and a divorce to name a few.  More importantly it has been filled with a whole lot of God in both the beautiful highlights and the painful moments.  I know that I was brought through each one of those not only to grow as a child of God but also to encourage my fellow  sisters to not give up.  Even when every door has closed, and you think the world is closing in around you...keep moving forward no matter how small a step just take one.  For me late 2015/2016 were some of the darkest times of my life.  I found myself a houseparent to some amazing children in New Mexico. Living in one of the most beautiful places I have been to and living the life I thought I always wanted to live.  I was being a momma just like I wanted...however it was coming at the cost of a very rocky marriage and my health.  However, I was determined to live/have the life I always wanted no matter the cost.  However, it would prove to be too much for my marriage and my body. In a matter of a month I said goodbye to my kiddos, had emergency surgery and found out the birth mom had pulled out of our adoption.  Everything crumbled around me- all out of my control and I could barely hold on.  Then the unimaginable happened a month later when my husband of 9 years told me he was done and the last piece of the "life of my dreams" was gone.  So within 3 months of leaving the Children's home I packed my little Elantra up and God and I headed from New Mexico to Indiana.  For a life I couldn't imagine nor honestly even wanted to.  The mountain top I was on was gone and now I fallen deeper and farther into the valley then ever before and it was DARK!  Let me tell you though, that's where the most growth happens... and that is what has happened over the last 16 months -unbelievable growth and development. Which brings me here today writing this.....this time up the mountain I want to bring others with me.  Share some of my LIGHT in the darkness and have us climb together closer to Him.

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