Thursday, March 8, 2018

There is more to the story.

   "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives" Genesis 50:20

        Since we decided to step out of the boat back in September, it has been a series of choices to keep walking. Over the last 5 months, as I have sat before God, I have read the story of Peter walking on water many times. And just like Peter, I felt like giving up.  See God never promised Peter that the waves wouldn't come-but Jesus did show Peter and the rest of the disciples, prior to that day, that He has the power to calm the waves.  God will never call us to do something for which He hasn't already prepared us. Over the past month we have been hit with some financial insecurities we weren't expecting and again it sent me to my knees asking, "why?"  Where was God...and honestly at that exact moment I looked up and saw a sign that said "Be Still and Know that I am God".  There are times when we have to stop trying to control the waves because we don't have the power to do that..  People will intend harm on our is a given.  However, God is intending/weaving it all for our good and His Glory, at the exact same time. What a sense of peace it is when God calms the waves around us.

      Another huge lesson I have learned over the last few months: Peter just didn't step out of the boat he WALKED on water.  Walked is a verb, meaning he was active.  So many times I think we step out in faith and think that is all it takes.  However it is lifestyle of constant movement where we either focus on Him and move forward, or we stop and sink.  Or even the worst case, in my opinion, is we freak out and jump back in the boat.  The world tells us we belong with them back in the boat.  Satan wants to drown us in our own fear and watch us sink....but just like Peter we can WALK toward Jesus as He picks us up out of overtaking waves.  My favorite part of that story is the last verse where it states 

    "and when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.  Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying "Truly you are the Son of God." Matthew 14:32-33

     God is constantly at work, and we have to believe, while trusting the process.  I can tell you life is hard but if we want to stay focused on God, He will calm the sea and use our life for eternal glory, and the saving of lives.  Also, I love the picture that Jesus walked back with Peter and got in the boat with him.  We are never forsaken.  So you may ask, "that's great for a story 2000 years old, but what about today"?  Good question! Let me tell you what else has happened over the last month.  The day after we heard that what income we were relying on for Scott was gone and the waves seemed to be higher than we could imagined-I cried out God save us.  I know He didn't call us out to watch us drown.  I know He has placed a calling on my heart to work with women and children.  I don't want to turn back to the boat and I don't want to drown. Well Let ME TELL YOU GOD HEARD AND PICKED US UP!  
      Literally one week later, and I am in the process of starting a ministry that is based on the book of Ruth.  It is aimed towards both the girls ages 8-13 and their moms.  I have a podcast that will be going live by the end of the month designed for both mom and girls to listen to together as they commute to school/practice/store, wherever, everyday.  We have a website registered that we are diligently working on and I have the first mother/daughter brunch scheduled for end of April!  We have vision boards up and the house and we are moving forward to answer the call on our life.  I am married to amazing project manager of a man who gives me deadlines and helps me stay focused.  In a time when honestly I can't even see the water- it's like we have jumped off a cliff I haven an undeniable peace that passes all earthly understanding and feel more alive then ever.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love your thoughts. Keep your words coming