Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day....are we saving the earth?

So, I went home last night, and told my loving husband that I created a blog, and am on my way. Of course, he was happy to see that I actually taking action instead of just talking about taking action. Which is something that I am notorious for. There are so many ideas, thoughts things that I want to do, and I can (and WILL) talk about them for hours, days, years, and never take any action. Even now, I am thinking about all the stuff I want to write but then not really writing about anything of importance. I am just trying to clear my head a little, get rid of the nervous energy and actually do something.
So without further ado, my thoughts on today. As everyone knows today is Earth Day. I sit here and think about what it means to me. I remember growing up and having Earth Day in school. We would spend a little more time outside that day. Talk a little more that week about recycling and our part to save the earth. In the past 10 years that I have been out of school. I don't think I have any real memories of Earth Day, or even recall thinking about it. However, this year I think it is everywhere. You turn on the TV and now one can see commercials about "global friendly" products. I can go to a store and see sections dedicated to those products. Last night while watching TV I stumbled upon a commercial for a TV station totally dedicated to "going green". I can tell you what celebrities have joined the bandwagon for this cause. Or what politicians, as this is an election year. I can watch the evening news and they will tell me the latest tricks to save money and save the planet. So this Earth Day I feel like we are finally getting a grasp on the importance of changing our wasteful lives. However, the question I ask myself is, are companies, people, celebrities joining forces to change the world in which we live, or is all this just hype? I mean I can remember going around collecting aluminium cans as a child, and taking them in to be recycled. You could find those recycle bins everywhere. We would bring in a couple of trash bags and perhaps come out with a couple of dollars. However, that soon faded as we realized that it wasn't worth all the work for maybe a dollar or two. Sure, if I see a recycle bin I will put my can in there, but I don't really think about it much.
I tend to be the sceptic in a situation who thinks that all this hype will soon wear off. Sure the world will be a better place for what is happening, but people won't keep it up. First off, it cost more for the "energy saving", "eco-friendly" products and with the economy as it is people don't have the funds to "go green." Sure they tell me it will save money in the long run, but unfortunately I need to save money now. As Americans we live in a very fast pace, self-centered society, and want to have it all. I don't think most of will find the time to stay "green" in what we do. As far as the celebrities, politicians that are the driving forces behind this movement. Well, they will soon find a new movement to get behind, or they will have their own fall from grace and soon be out of the most cherish spotlight.
Now I am not saying that we shouldn't do anything or that we shouldn't care about the world we are living in. I believe 100% that God put man in charge of the Earth, and that we should take care of it. I believe it is our duty, and that we should watch how wasteful we are, and if there are things that personally I can do to make the enviornment better I will. I am just saying that I think the hype will soon fade, and although some will keep up with it, it won't be worthy of a cause. I am not trying to sound cynical or pessimistic. I would hate to think I have become one of those jaded people who sit and say 'how wrong the world is'. No that is not my intention at all. I am just sharing my opinion when it come to Earth Day this year.

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