Wednesday, November 2, 2011


With this being adoption awareness month I thought I would dedicate the blogs this month to adoption and why it has become such an issue in our life. One of the closest and most emotional topics that I have dealt with and deal with is having children. Since I can remember all I wanted to do was be a wife and a mother. Children have been such an big part of my life and even David and I's life as a couple. I had this great plan that David and I would get married and have a child pretty quickly. I mean why not we are a loving couple who loves children and the Lord. It is how things are suppose to happen, Right? Well, in life it doesn't always happen that way. David and I have had trouble with fertility since we have been married and haven't been successful as of now. As a woman it leaves me with a lot of emotion which as a very emotional person leaves me very drained. As I look for comfort I have fallen in love with the story of Hannah and how she cried out very honestly to the Lord. I read through her prayer of being barren and see both the despair and the honesty that she expresses to both God and her husband. As I begin to read through 1 Samuel I can relate, find comfort and have hope in the words written so many years ago. It brings up so many emotions.....despair, shame, insecurity, jealousy, hopelessness, and loneliness to name a few. I know that I am not the only woman and that David and I are not the only couple who face this. I know personally of a few friends who have gone through this and have seen the way it has affect them and their marriages. Whenever I am going through a trial I always think two things.....1. What can I learn from this and 2. How can God use this to reach others? So I have decided that over this month since it is adoption awareness month I will blog specifically about what it is like to want children and not have any. I hope that others are uplifted through this. I ask for prayers as I begin to open up about a subject that is very painful for me.


Anonymous said...

JoDee, I'm so sorry you are going through this. My prayers are with you as you process this and uplift others while trusting God with this area of your life. You are HIS precious child. <3

Heather said...

I understand what you are talking about because my husband and I have been trying for 3 to 4 years to no avail. I have been through the emotions of wondering what is wrong with me, etc., but I know God is working on me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I am hoping in a year we may have a child but who knows what God has in store for us and your family. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

jojo1979 said...

Thank you ladies. I appreciate the prayers and encouragement.