Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The "happiest" place on earth

So this past week we were on vacation and I am thankful for the opportunity to get away and go to my happy place. I was able to go on vacation to Disney World for a week which really the happiest place on earth in my opinion. However, while we are on vacation friends who were traveling with us lost their grandmother unexpectedly, a friend from college lost her infant son, and a dear lady that I knew lost a battle with breast cancer. It reminded me that life is never to be taken for granted and to be grateful for every situation. It, also, reminded me of the Hope that I have of a future beyond this world and the urgency to want to share that with everyone I know. For in midst of tragedy God will make himself known and He will give us renewed hope of life with Him eternally. I am thankful for all that the Lord is showing me and teaching me right now in this season of my life. I believe that I am in a season where God is really pouring into me and I am growing spiritually everyday by the bucket full. I can't believe how much He must have in store for me because of the lessons I am learning everyday. I am also learning that these lessons aren't for my benefit they are to bring others closer to Him and the truth of His word.
There were so many times this past week when I wanted to quit my job and just move to FL and work for Disney World. For I do love being there and the joy of seeing people of all ages experience "the magic" for the first time. I love hearing the different languages and people represented there. I love that I can ride next to someone and even though we don't speak the same language we understand that each other and the joy we both feel. It is a joy that is contagious and I want to be a part of it. However, there is a bigger joy that I feel that is so consuming there are no words. It is an unspeakable joy that floods our hearts and spirits and that is the Joy that only comes from the Lord. It is far more greater than anything of this world and no matter how much I love Disney World it can in no way compare to that of the Joy of the Lord. It is the only joy that when in the midst of losing a child can cause a couple to be thankful and sing praises to the Lord. So I know that at this stage of my life I am being prepared for "work" sharing this Joy and this Love that consumes my life. I know the call that has been placed upon my life and even though the earthly treasures of this life are tempting they hold nothing on the Hope I have in Christ Jesus. He is my rock and my salvation and my life is not mine but was bought with the highest sacrifice and belongs to God to use how He desires. However, I can honestly say as I have gotten older and more mature in faith in God that the desire to do full time ministry is much larger than even the desire to work for Disney World....which has always been a life long wish of mine.

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