Friday, October 7, 2011

Using my weakness for His gain

I have had the opportunity this week to see God work in more than one occasion. He truly is making opportunities to shine in my weakness. Through a situation at work not going the way I had wanted and a change that I had wanted ended up not happening God has opened up conversations about Him. I am so thankful to serve a God that can turn my weakness into His blessing. I was wanting to go to a larger branch but because of an audit that didn't go the way we would have wanted that is not going to happen now. I have had a couple of coworkers ask me what I thought or how I felt which has in turn left me having the opportunity to share my faith. This week has been hard to say the least. I have been humbled to the point of tears at certain points, and some hard conversations between me and some other people. However, all of it has been worth it to see God open up doors and conversations. When originally David and I talked about the possibility of me moving and what it could mean for us I was sure it was the right step for me professionally. However, I kept praying that if it wasn't God's plan that He would intervene. Even though, I will admit I didn't really want Him too and I wanted to selfishly have the "honor" of a bigger a branch. I had gotten prideful in the possible move and was really thinking only of myself. Well, God moved in a way that only He could have and like I said it is not going to happen now. I learned a big dose of humility but am so glad to serve a God that disciplines me with love. I can't believe how many times this week I have relied on Him and really prayed for Him to give me strength and calmness. I have really prayed over my employees and the other people in my branch. I am really clinging onto Him to see me through this time and to continue to show me those hard lessons. It is so neat though to see Him shine through and to think He loves me enough to want to work through me. I know that my steps are outlined by God and that when the right time comes He will place me where He wants. However He is still working on me and has plans for me where I am. I am thankful that He showed me that I am not as prepared as I thought I was and that I still have things to learn. I am thankful to have not been put in a situation that I couldn't handle. Most of all I am thankful for the peace of God that does transend all understanding.

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