Saturday, August 6, 2011

Deep thoughts by JoDee Schenck

LOl. When I was a kid I loved to watch Saturday Night know back when it was extremely funny and for some reason didn't seem so vulgar. So those of you who may remember those days will know what I am talking about when I refer to often deep but yet not so profound thoughts. I am hoping that this is not the case with my blog, but nonethelss I am sure it will not be too deep nor too profound at times. I hope it makes you think, perhaps ponder, but most of all be encouraged by the Glory of God.
I must first give a shout out to my husband. I have been married for going on four years now, and as in all relationships there have been good and bad times. However, my husband is the one who encourages me to write on a daily basis and is my biggest supporter of this blog. My prayer is that this never becomes a venting session where I put down my husband. I hold true to the Proverbs 31 a woman of virtue, and want to bring only good to my husband no harm. Well at least most of time.... anyhow the struggles we share are profoundly personal yet he is willing to let me share them for the sake of bringing God glory. I still believe that not all are to be open for public viewing but will touch on some personally hard areas for the both of us. We have prayed and talked about this and the goal is not to ever put down or "bash" David. He is my partner and I feel blessed to have him in my life. He puts up with a lot and I thank him for his love. Now don't get me wrong we still struggle and we have our issues with eachother and with this struggle of life.
However the covenet we share and made to one another has been stronger than any thing that Satan could bring our way. Believe Satan has tried but the power of God is so much stronger. In Eccliastes 4:12 God speaks of a cord of three strings is not quickly broken. I am so thankful for a God that has bonded David and I together and has held us both in the palms of His Hands. I write this in the midst of advirsity and as we are both in counseling with an amazing Woman of God who is helping us communicate better. The struggles we are facing are huge, and the world would say we should have given up by now, but we are not governed by this world, but by the Word of God. In time I will share more on this situation but the pain is real and deep and as a broken hurt woman I do not want to sin in my anger and my pain. I will say that God is truly the Ultimate Healer and the Ultimate protector of our life.
I am not trying to vague and I feel strongly about being open but the struggle to be vulnarble is one that is hard. If you read my posts from 3 years ago you will read about my personal persuit to accept the truth and be honest. It was a journey that took years to overcome, and still creeps up from the inner corners of my mind. I am now on the other side of the coin if you will. Call it Karma, call it payback call it what ever you want but its life. I would like to to call it the Divine will of God. The oppertunity that I have to have more compassion to another and patience to accept them when the trust has been broken. I truly believe we need to rejoice and hold true to James 1:2-4 because the struggles we find ourselves in and the abilty for God's light to shine through is a truely joyous occasion. I believe in this path has placed us on, and ask for prayers as God takes us to new heights. God has begun a new work in me and is seeing it to completion. Fasten your seatbelts and hang on because the ride is bumpy the outcome is unknown, but the journey has begun.

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