Friday, August 19, 2011

What a week!

TGIF-right? I don't know if it is just me, but this week has just been long and exhausting. Not that I have a relaxing weekend ahead, but at least it will be filled with ones I love and a rejuvinating Sunday Service. I know it has been over a week since I last blogged, and I hate going this long. However, like I stated we do not have a home computer so this is not the most accessabile activity for me. I remember one time a woman told me to be obedient to whatever the Lord asks us to do, no matter how crazy at the time. I must say the passion to blog with no computer access is pretty crazy to me. However, I am sure there are a lot of Christ's followers scratching their heads right now puzzelled at how the path before them could possibly be God. Whenever I read Hebrews 11 I am blown away by the amazing men and women that paved the way before me. I can only imagine the amount of faith it took them to make huge steps of faith, and all God is asking of me is a little step to see where He can take me.
It's so easy to get lost in caught up in the life, and where it takes us. This past weekend I was sick and didn't feel good. Then I am working 6 days this week, my mom came into town, spent time watching my neices and nephews....etc....blah blah blah. Like everyone else life happens. So many times this week I have went to blog, or went to spend time in the word and just got busy doing something else or fell asleep. I just keep trying to remember Psalm 33 and 37, both speak about the joy of the Lord and the peace that comes from Him. I love Psalm 37:7a "rest in the Lord and wait patiently on Him." I love even just the first 4 in the version states be still before the Lord. Just the idea of truly coming before God and resting just makes my soul feel peaceful. Even as I type this and am thinking of all the outside pressures of the world, my soul finds rest and shoulders relax as I think of the peace the Lord provides. I know as women we often think of ourselves last. We are designed to take care of others and to want be busy just living and doing life. I just know that after the last 10 days of craziness my soul my inner being has longed for the rest that only comes when I am still before the Lord. My prayer is that all who read this may find rest if even for a moment or two that comes from no other place but the feet of God.

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