Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's a choice

I think it's really hard that blogspot asks me to think of a title. Sometimes I don't even fully know the path a blog will take. I start a blog with one idea in my head, but as I start to write a whole new topic is addressed. For the past 3 days I have been complenting the sermon from Sunday, and thinking/praying about how to respond. Trying to decifer what the Lord was speaking to me, and what I selfishly wanted to hear. I often relate to Paul when he writes in Romans 7 about the struggle of the sinful physical nature and the new life we have in Christ. I often refer to it as the do-do passage and I must say that has come to mind many times in past couple of days. On Sunday the pastor spoke about giving all we have....everything...for the work of the Lord. I keep asking myself what does that look like. I believe it is something that looks different for everyone depending on the how the Lord has called you. So I ask myself personally what does this mean for me? I know and have spoken about my desire to share my life openinly with others and for the Glory of God. I beleive that I go through certain stuggles because the Lord has allowed them and wants them to be used for His Glory and to shine.
I know there are a few areas that I hold onto very close. I don't like to share them out of fear, and knowing that going to the next level of vulnerablity is a scarry place. I ask for prayers and patience as I start to share about the inner places of my soul. The areas that I like to "pretend" are perfect. Pray also for David as these areas also effect him. I know God is doing a mighty work in our lives right now, and preparing us for a wonderful future in Him. I ask that you stay tuned and see what work the Lord can do when we are obedient.

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