Sunday, September 4, 2011

Choice to recognize a great weekend.

Wow! What a weekend. We came to St.Louis for the weekend to visit friends and celebrate the life of a amazing woman who left us. I enjoy our time in STL because it often meets seeing friends we don't get to see very often and spending time with the in-laws. It often means dinner/lunch at one of our favorite establishments. It means a little relaxation with mornings sleeping in and an occasional afternoon nap. It involves worshipping with our church family at MUMC. It often means good conversations between David and I as we make the 4 hour drive. Often it also means listening to David sing along to show tunes playing on our favorite Pandora station as we drive home. Over the past 4 years that we have been making these fun weekend trips back and forth between STL and Indy I have come to really treasure what these little trips mean to our relationship. So when we heard of the possibly of us coming I welcomed it. We came Thursday night with very little plans for the weekend. We had received some news on Thursday evening that David and I were still comprehending and trying to process on our own. More about that later. Anyhow Friday found us spending some time with a dear friend and her adorable children for lunch and some shopping and then I thought home for some relaxation by the pool. However life happened and we were in a car wreck. Now praise the Lord that no one was hurt, but I was still left very upset about why we had to deal with something else. My car was left undrivable and had to be towed to the nearest collision shop where we were informed it wouldn't be looked out until Tuesday. We now have to leave my car here in STL while we return to life in Indy for the time being. We did get a rental for now and for the most part our life is back to normal.
This morning during church the pastor made a statement that really stuck with me. Basically he made a point to make us realize all the things we have to be thankful for vs. what we have to complain about. I could easily dwell on all the car wreck or the inconvenience of dealing with a rental, trying to fix a car here in STL while living two states away and then figuring out insurance and getting my car back. Or I could chose to be thankful that no one was hurt. That we rode in a tow truck instead of an ambulance. I can chose to be thankful that that when we went to pick up the rental that they had to upgrade us for free because of lack of cars. I can be thankful for in-laws that were able to pick us up and bring us back. I can be thankful for still an amazing weekend with friends whom love us and we love. I can be thankful for the testimony of a living forgiving Christ who lives within us that we were able to share with the family who hit us. I can be thankful for a God who disciplines me with love by gently reminding me that my earthly possessions are not mine but His. I am thankful for the display of the Father's love for me as I watched the earthly father of the girl who hit us come in and "rescue" his daughter cleaning up her mess. How to often I forget how much God loves me and is working all out for my good. I am thankful for preachers who preach the truth and the Holy Spirit for letting me hear what the Lord wants me to hear. I am thankful for a God who never gives up on us, and even in the midst of trial shows His Goodness and Mercy. I am thankful for a husband who asks me how I am and cares about my well being. I am thankful for still getting to relax by the pool on Saturday afternoon. I am thankful for still having brunch at our favorite restaurant on Sunday. I am thankful for heat breaking and going on a nice brisk walk with David and the dog. I am thankful for still having tomorrow off to relax and regroup. Most of all I am thankful for the choice I get to think about the Goodness of God vs. The trials of this world. Everyday we have a choice and God is showing me how my choices make a difference in the lives of those I love.
I pray that as we go back home to Indy and people ask me how our weekend was that I will chose to dwell on the blessings and not the little inconveniences. I will chose to not dwell on what is wrong but on all I was given this weekend. I pray that I will glorify and bring praise with my lips. For the Lord is good and has done great things in my life.

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