Friday, September 9, 2011

It truly is a choice....lesson that I am learning everyday

I know the last few posts have had this as the title, but I am still learning so much about the choices we make everyday. I am taking great peace in Romans 12:1-3, just the power of transforming myself by the renewing of my mind. I love how it states that it is true worship when we do this. The Lord has been teaching me so much about how much my thoughts and my mind dictate what I do. I like to think I am somewhat of a logical person. I like to use my brain, however, I am learning more and more that the way God tells me to move and the way my brain instinctively wants me to move is usually very different. I believe that Paul writes about it when he speaks about the struggle of the sinful nature. I mean we are surrounded by this world, and the ideas it teaches us through life. Ideas on what marriage should look like, what your career should be, what a "perfect" lifestyle is, what brings one comfort, peace, and joy. All of these worldly thoughts bombard us everyday in what what we read, watch on tv, listen to, see on the shelf at the grocery store, talk about at the lunchroom or around the water cooler. Truly it is everywhere we go. So I am learning that I have a choice to listen to God and His word. I have choices in this life, and God is making me very aware of them. I love how Psalms Psalm 1:1-3 it talks about not walking with the wicked but delighting in the Lord. We delight in the Lord by meditating on His Word, on the law.
One of my favorite verses ever is in Matthew 12:34, "from the overflow of the heart the mouth speaketh." I think that is such a powerful verse. I found much peace and conviction in just those 9 words. Often I will check myself when out with friends or with David about what am I talking about. For what I am talking about is what is truly on my heart and mind. Being very close to a 17 year old has made that verse come to life so much more. She is of course "in love" and hearing her talk about her boyfriend with the giddiness of a teenager makes me wonder if I get that excited speaking about the Lord. We laugh that all she thinks about is this guy, and then my nephews only think about PS3 or Combat arms. The way a child will consume themselves around what they love or are passionate about is really convicting. I believe when we could learn a lot from teenagers. I know after spending 5 minutes with any child what is really important to them. I wonder if the same could be said about me. Or better yet what is my mouth echoing that my heart is saying. What would someone say I love, or am passionate about? What am I busy thinking about it? Am I truly loving God with my mind, body and soul?

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