Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Answered Prayer

When I first started blogging again in one of my first posts I stated how I had no personal computer but I wanted to be diligent and blogging and following what I believe was the hand of God. Well I am here to just give some confirmation that came in the form of answered prayer. I knew with no home computer it would be difficult for me to blog how I felt led to. However, today a month after I started blogging again I am typing this from our new netbook. This past weekend we were visiting STL and David's parents gave us his moms old netbook. I feel so blessed to have supporting loving in-laws, but more importantly I serve a God who cares about all my needs. I also was thankful that this past weekend was an amazing weekend in STL. It had seemed that the past couple trips we had come into some bad luck when traveling. I had gotten sick, car trouble, just overall not the best luck. However this past weekend was about as perfect as possible. Aside from not visiting all the friends I would have like to.
I have been blown away the last few days with seeing all God is doing to answer my prayers both big and small. Sometimes perhaps not the way I wanted but I am seeing the fingerprints of God really working and weaving together aspects of my life. God has really been answering a huge prayer of working on David's and I relationship. We have been dealing with a couple big issues and over the last couple weeks I have really seen God show us that He is truly in control. He alone has been our rock and our salvation and we are seeing that big time right now. So today I wanted to make this blog just thank God for all He has done and continues to do.

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